Saturday, March 24, 2007

Preah Maha Ghosananda, “the Gandhi of Cambodia”, died on March 12th, aged 78

Preah Maha Ghosananda

Mar 22nd 2007
From The Economist print edition

Preah Maha Ghosananda, “the Gandhi of Cambodia”, died on March 12th, aged 78


ASIA'S great spiritual leaders tend to build shrines round themselves. There they sit, disciples at their feet, handing down instructions for achieving the perfect life. When Preah Maha Ghosananda, in later years, became associated with Buddhist temples in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, his admirers would expect to find him there. He seldom was. He would be far away, walking.

Where he walked was often remote, but it was neither safe nor quiet. He would tread, a little bird-like man with hands folded and head bowed, along narrow paths that threaded through the jungle-forests of central Cambodia. Care was necessary, for the ground had been sown with landmines up to the edge of the trails. Humidity would mist his glasses and slick his bald head with sweat. His orange monk's robes, hitched up to show stout boots and socks, would tangle in the bushes. Behind him, chanting to the beat of a drum, would stream 200-300 laymen, monks and nuns, walking across Cambodia for peace.

Though Ghosananda led these Dhammayietra, or “Pilgrimages of Truth” in the early 1990s, well after the signing of peace accords to end a civil war between the remnants of the murderous Khmers Rouges and the new, Vietnamese-backed Cambodian government, he often found war still raging. Shells screamed over the walkers, and firefights broke out round them. Some were killed. The more timid ran home, but Ghosananda had chosen his routes deliberately to pass through areas of conflict. Sometimes the walkers found themselves caught up in long lines of refugees, footsore like them, trudging alongside ox-carts and bicycles piled high with mattresses and pans and live chickens. “We must find the courage to leave our temples”, Ghosananda insisted, “and enter the suffering-filled temples of human experience.”

Many of the villagers they met had not seen a Buddhist monk for years. In the old Cambodia, before the Khmers Rouges in April 1975 had proclaimed a new Utopian era, “forest-monks” had been a part of rural life, wandering through with staves and bowls, exchanging a handful of rice for a blessing. Now, though the Khmers Rouges had outlawed nostalgia, had razed the monasteries and thrown the mutilated Buddha-statues into the rivers, old habits stirred. As they caught Ghosanada's chant, “Hate can never be appeased by hate; hate can only be appeased by love”, soldiers laid down their arms and knelt by the side of the road. Villagers brought water to be blessed, and plunged glowing incense sticks into it to signal the end of war.

Ghosananda himself had missed the horrors of the Khmer Rouge years. His family, ordinary peasant folk from the Mekong delta, had been wiped out; monks like him, “social parasites” as they were now branded, were defrocked, forced to labour in the fields, or murdered. Out of 60,000 only 3,000 were left alive, and those had fled. But Ghosananda had gone to Thailand to learn meditation in 1965, staying for years in a hermitage in the forest where only the buzz of insects disturbed him. Not until 1978, when he went to minister to Cambodian refugees in the camps on the Thai border, did he learn that Buddhism had been destroyed in Cambodia, although almost all the people had adhered to it. He decided then that his duty was to restore his country's sacred foundation.

Step by step

He did not believe this could be done through grand temples or enclosed institutions. Certainly he could have gone that way. Like many others he had been a dek wat, a “temple kid”, washing the monks' dishes and carrying their alms-bowls. Unlike others, he became a monk and remained one, getting all his education in temples and eventually gaining a doctorate in Pali, the scriptural language of Theravada Buddhism. He was a polymath and an intellectual. Yet he could not stay out of the world. Rather than devoting himself to monastic scholarship, he built hut-temples in the refugee camps and handed out dog-eared photocopies of the Buddha's Metta Sutta, or Words of Love:

With a boundless heart
Should one cherish all living beings:
Radiating love over the entire world
Spreading upwards to the skies,
And downwards to the depths...

On his walks his message remained the same. It needed no complication. The work, he knew, would be slow: “step by step”, as he liked to say. It would continue as long as Cambodians felt divided from each other and brutalised by their past.

After 1980 he was made much of. He represented the Cambodian government-in-exile at the United Nations, and was influential in the peace talks; in 1988, he was made Supreme Patriarch of Cambodia. Several times he was nominated for the Nobel peace prize. He founded more than 50 temples across the world. Some he spoke at; but his first priority lay elsewhere. It was to appear, birdlike, out of the Cambodian forest, to surprise a man digging or a woman washing; to remind them that the power of love was stronger than the forces of history; and then to move on.

For the pure-hearted one
Having clarity of vision,
Being freed from all sense desires,
Is not born again into this world.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Prayers God Answers - The Prayer of Jabez

In the midst of a long list of who begat whom is a short, two verse, story about an honorable man and his prayer. It was a prayer that God answered. This powerful Old Testament prayer can serve as a model for our own prayers.

Bruce Wilkinson's book, The Prayer of Jabez, became a huge success. It became so successful that many people felt that there must be something wrong with it. But this prayer from 1 Chronicles 4:10 is a great prayer for one simple reason: God answered it. And we need to take another look at this simple, but effective, little prayer.

“Oh, that You would bless me indeed," 1 Chronicles 4:10b

Many people feel that it's wrong for us to ask God to bless us, but they miss the point. The point is: God wants to bless us.

Psalm 67:1-2 says, "God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, Selah. That Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations." When God blesses us He reveals to the entire earth just who He is. And God's salvation, His power, love, and mercy, are proclaimed when He blesses His people."...and enlarge my territory," 1 Chronicles 4:10c

Jesus' disciples got into an argument about who was going to be the greatest among them. Jesus knew that they were having this discussion so He confronted them about it. What's interesting is that He did NOT say to them: "You shouldn't want to be great." Instead He gave them specific instructions about HOW to be great.

In Luke 22:24-27 Jesus tells the disciples that the Gentiles believe being great means ruling over people, but that is not how they are to understand greatness. He says, "he who is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he who governs as he who serves." To be great, we must become greater servants. Our greatness is not determined by who we look down on or who works for us, but by the kinds of people we serve, the number of people we serve, and the way in which we serve them."

...that Your hand would be with me," 1 Chronicles 4:10d

Most people spend their lives trying to figure out how little they can get by with. They want to get more for doing less.

Jabez knew that by asking God to help him serve more, he was asking God to help him do more than he could possibly accomplish on his own. He purposely asked God to put him in a position where he had to depend on God. As Michelangelo once said, "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

"...and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” 1 Chronicles 4:10e

Jesus taught His disciples to pray, "And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one," in Luke 11:4. Sin and evil are all around us and we need to be aware of our dependence on God to live a life that pleases Him in every area.

But a second aspect of this prayer becomes clear when we read that the name "Jabez" means pain. It was the name that his mother gave him because of the pain he caused her during birth. Jabez had spent his entire life, every time he was introduced to someone or whenever someone called his name, being reminded that he had brought pain into his mother's life.

We all have to pray for God to help us overcome the wrong beliefs that we have about ourselves. Whether it was our parents, teachers, or anyone else who said them, we all have beliefs about ourselves that simply aren't true. They are nothing more than what others have projected onto us because of what they were experiencing or what they believed.

God wants to bless us and help us become greater servants. In order to do that He wants us to depend on Him completely in every area of our lives. And He wants us to believe the truth about who we are. We are His children, He loves us, and He is with us every moment of our lives. He wants to do great things in our lives.

At the end of of this simple prayer in 1 Chronicles 4:10 we read, "So God granted him what he requested." When we pray this prayer that God answers, just like Jabez, our lives will never be the same.

About the Author

Rob Marshall is the author of "Taking On Goliath - How to Unleash the David in All of Us." Learn how you can unleash your faith and overcome any "Goliath" that may stand between you and your dreams.

A Rosary Resource Patterned on the Holy Father's Apostolic Letter

A Rosary Resource Patterned on the Holy Father's Apostolic Letter
Review of Praying the Rosary: With the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, & Glorious Mysteries by Michael Dubruiel and Amy Welborn
By Lisa M. Hendey

For someone looking to "make a difference" in our world so filled with unrest and need, responding to Pope John Paul II's call to embrace the Rosary is one affirmative step that can be taken immediately. As a resource for making contemplation of the Rosary a part of your life, authors Michael Dubruiel and Amy Welborn have compiled the book Praying the Rosary: With the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, & Glorious Mysteries (Our Sunday Visitor, June 2003, hardcover, 64 pages).

Though compact in size, this book can and will have a tremendous impact upon your life if you choose to read and implement its suggested format. The book's introduction reiterates the Holy Father’s call to this perfect form of Christian contemplation and points to the Blessed Virgin Mary as a role model for contemplating the true mystery of Jesus Christ, his life, death and resurrection. Bearing both the Nihil Obstat and the Imprimatur, Praying the Rosary incorporates all four sets of mysteries, including the new Luminous mysteries.

Welborn and Dubruiel follow the format suggested by Pope John Paul II in Rosarium Virginis Mariae including the announcement of the mystery, scriptural references, contemplative silence, the formal prayers of the Rosary (including a short prayer phrase following each Hail Mary related to the specific mystery), and a brief concluding prayer for each mystery. Newcomers to Rosary devotion will find the compendium of prayers at the completion of the book a helpful resource.

Complimenting the suggested format, stunning artwork graces the pages for each of the mysteries. Contemplation of these wonderful icons provided courtesy of St. Isaac of Syria Skete allows the user yet another point of interaction with the mysteries of the Rosary.

This books compact size makes it the perfect tool for incorporating the Rosary into your daily devotional routine. The hardcover format is durable and will stand up to daily use. The book will easily slip into a purse, briefcase, day planner or coat pocket. Praying the Rosary has taken up permanent residence in my “home away from home”, my vehicle, where my boys and I daily contemplate the mysteries of the Rosary in our own effort to better know and love Jesus Christ. We pray each day, joining our hearts and minds with countless millions around the globe, for peace in our own little corner of the world and beyond.

For more information on Praying the Rosary: With the Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, & Glorious Mysteries visit

About the Author

Lisa M. Hendey is a mother of two sons, webmaster of and, and an avid reader of Catholic literature. Visit her at

Surrender and Allow for Miracles to Happen

There is a wonderful thing that happens when a person gets to a point in their life where the realization dawns, that all that they have tried only continues to perpetuate the struggle of everyday living. When this point is reached many have gone down to their knees and surrendered, praying to a force greater than them to intervene. Do we really have to reach this point of despair?

The scriptures tell us that in surrendering, we allow for Grace to flow into our lives. The act of surrendering allows for the hand of God to arrange our affairs. Such a simple prescription for all that troubles us. Yet most will wait till they have descended into the pit of despair before coming to the point of surrender.

What does it mean to surrender? How do you surrender?

In surrendering, you are releasing the perceived burdens that you carry to the Divine within. When you surrender you are allowing for the Divine within you to influence your thoughts, your feelings and your impulses. When you surrender you are also trusting in The Divine within you to look after you. As you release your burdens to the Divine within, you will begin to experience the lightness of being and joy will begin to flow again. It is a very simple act and very simple to do, an act that has profound effects on every facet of your life.

How do you surrender? Florence Scovel Shinn in her book, "The Game of Life", recommends the following words, "I cast this burden to the Christ within, and I go free." These words can be adapted to words that resonate for you. I like saying, "I surrender this feeling/thought/belief/conditioning (inserting whatever is being experienced in that moment) to the Divine within me, and I walk free in profound Grace." Let's say you are experiencing the fear of not having enough money, then you could say, "I surrender this fear of lack to the Divine within me and I go free in profound Grace into abundance."

I experience such lightness each time I surrender. The more I surrender the easier it becomes to surrender and the greater the feeling of Grace. I am feeling more at peace, more loving, my faith is stronger and I am inspired. Insights and ideas are flowing into my awareness effortlessly. Each day brings a greater feeling of the Divine within.

This whole process is not one that the rational mind may understand. It is one that you do coming from your heart, with all sincerity. As you begin this process of surrendering you will find all sorts of feelings, thoughts and memories surfacing over the days and weeks. They surface so you may surrender them. As you are consistent with surrendering, you are releasing all the stagnant energy in and around your field of energy. You will then begin to experience a lightness of being and a sense of joy in your whole being.

All this release begins to occur without the rational mind having to process anything. This process occurs because you have willingly surrendered with all sincerity, trusting in the Divine. You may read this article and think that you already know all this. There is a great difference in knowing something intellectually and knowing something through experience. To know the information and the results of surrendering will bring you little gain, will have little effect in bringing back the joy and lightness into your life. When you begin to know this information through the act of surrendering you will give yourself the ultimate gift of Grace flowing into every aspect of your life and you will begin to experience the Divine within you in a whole new way. You will begin to experience the kingdom of heaven within you.

About the Author

Jin Dhaliwal, a unique Energy Healer, has revolutionized Distance Healing by allowing participants to choose the amount they are able to pay as an Energy Exchange for their sessions. Read her Messages For Your Journey at

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Prayer Journal and Organizer

By Sara Duggan

As a mother of 2 very active boys I am always perfecting my organization routine. A couple of years ago I met a young lady who introduced to me the concept of a prayer journal. At first I totally loved the idea and was fully into using it. Soon it became a hassle and more of a strain on my family than a help.

It has been roughly 5 years since then and I have revisited my journal days. I have perfected a system that works for me and that can be customized for just about anyone. Not only have I created this little notebook for home organization, I have been able to use it as a way to help moms in their quest to help their children.

Each 1st and 3rd Monday's of the month 4 ladies including myself, join me in my little apartment for a short Bible Study and snack. All children are there, playing, reading, interacting, and some are even nursing.
After the study, we have a general informal time of chatting. This is the time where we work on the notebooks that will eventually be our Prayer Journal Organizers.
We share a bit about what has been going on in our lives, what challenges we have faced and get feedback on how we can do things differently.

Usually these sessions last about 10 weeks. I try and hold them with a small group so I can really get to know the moms. I do a Bible study, but I do not require the attendees to be Christian. I do however ask that all participants respect one anothers point of view and no bashing is allowed.
You however, may choose to hold these sessions in your home, at a local moms club or even at a church. It really is up to you. Remember this is not only to help moms in your community but you as well. If you are not comfortable, you will not be effective in leading them in this study/mentor group.

Summary of Meetings:

1. Meet in groups of 5 ladies

2. Start with a small Bible study

3. Chatting tea time (or coffee)

4. Pick one area for this quarter to work on

5. First session put together the Prayer Journal Organizer

Another thing I try to do in these sessions is to teach moms different skills that can be used in the home not only to simplify their life, but to also earn a little extra income on the side.

Homemaking is becoming a lost art in the new age and the simple arts like crochet, sewing, spinning, homemade cooking, etc.. are not being taught to girls anymore. We have moms who have never in their life cooked a meal--not even a pan of water! I met a lady who never use a broom. She literally had to be taught how to use a broom! I know these may seem like trivial things but to some moms they cause such frustration, guilt, and even depression.

If we do not know how to do these things, how are we going to teach our children? Below I have listed some subjects we have covered in the past but you are free to choose what ever your group would like to work on.

Topics examples:

1. Cooking

2. Cleaning (rhythm)

3. Gentle Discipline

4. Boundaries

5. Kids Chores

6. Family Service

7. Bible reading (1 chapter a day)

8. Sewing

9. Crocheting

10. Knitting

11. Beading

12. Baking

13. Educating children

14. Role of Mother

15. Community service

16. Working outside the home

17. Living on a single income

18. Working from home

19. Mothering as a profession and calling

At the end of the session every mom has learned something about themselves and improved on their homemaking and parenting skills. We have all made a Prayer Organizer Journal and personalized it with photographs and artwork of our choosing. It is now Our Notebook. Below you will find a rough idea of what this notebook consists of, you will of course customize it to your own needs.


1. 3-ring binder

2. Tab dividers

3. paper

4. sheet protectors

Notebook:(this is an organizer and PRAYER Journal i.e. when looking at each section, remind yourself to pray for the people you have included in your journal)

1. God

In this section you put your meditations, your verses, your studies, and things you want to work on.
I have included my Bible reading section, verses and poems that really mean a lot to me, and poems that inspire me to LOVE.

2. Husband

In this section you put items that remind you of your love for your husband. Things he likes, things that make him happy, and things you would like to work on with regards to him. (i.e. stop nagging)

3. Children

In this section you put items that remind you of your children. Their first word, their pictures, their drawings, things you want to work on with regards to them. I.e. stop yelling at them, speak in a calm non-threatening tone.

You can either merge your children into one file or seperate them as I did for my 2 boys.

4. Home

This is the part most mothers like about this journal but I need to warn you that this is not the most important part. This is where I went wrong. I stopped concentrating on the above parts and became obsessive of this part to an extreme. Remember***Life is more than a clean house, orderly schedule, and nice fresh baked bread. It is about the above people in our lives. God, Husband, and children, Friends and relations and community.

a. Monthly Schedule

b. Weekly Schedule

c. Daily Schedule

d. Potty Chart

e. Diaper wet/dry chart (newborns)

f. Breastfeeding/bottle chart (newborns)

g. Homework helpers/Homeschool/School schedule

h. Menu planner 1 month

i. Shopping list (master)

j. Recipe collection (month)

k. Phone Log

l. Babysitters Log

m. Shopping/Gift list

n. Storage list

o. Housing Repair projects

p. Budget

q. Misc.


In this section you put those in your life that mean something to you. Some people you are praying for. Your family and friends, neighbors, or co-workers. What can you do to help them?

6. Community

I like to use this section to do a community project. Ideally this should be done as a family. It is a great lesson to the children and brings the family together in a very special way. You may choose to do a group project with your moms, or individually. Either way you choose, helping the community you live in, connects you to people outside your "fish bowl".

Now, you have a wonderfully full notebook decorated and enhanced with things that will make you smile and hopefully :) make you open it. You have met 4 - 5 moms you have shared deeply with as well as learned some new skills. What do you do now? Keep each other accountable or better yet, pay it forward.

If each one of us mentored another mom after being mentored, we would have many moms who have learned to care for themselves, therefore care for their children, and hopefully build strong and stable families that will flourish.

Good Luck and let me know if you used this or any other type of system. To print out premade organizer sheets you can go to or
I do have a PrayerOrganizerJournal but it is in the process of being updated and converted to Adobe format.

Sara Duggan is a mom of 2 boys and wife to her sweetheart for 11 years. She enjoys crocheting, web surfing, and writing. Visit her at for more articles and activities.

Article Source:

Prayer To The President

By Sivaprasad Dantu


The ALMIGHTY made you the PRESIDENT of the most powerful nation in today’s world. HE gave you enormous power that not only can make the citizens of US happy but also the citizens of the world over. When we talk of world leaders you lead them. So you are a world leader in true sense. You can do lot more and in a better way only if you listen to others. You must make it a reality –US BELONGS TO WORLD THAN WORLD BELONGS TO US.

Do you know Mr. President, that in the last decade, US spent more than 250 billion US dollars, be it in Afghanistan or Iraq ? America can spend half the amount and win over peace and enemies.
Your words, your actions, your gestures are keenly followed by all the nations. They can create tensions, warlike situations or defuse tensions. They can make nations jump with joy or shiver with fear. Take for example the recent unsustainable surges in OIL price! The oil prices are not surging due to demand supply gap. They are surging due to political tensions world over. For example Iranian nuclear issue is leading to the recent upsurge in oil prices making billions of people world over suffer. You will agree with me if I say that the oil merchants and traders are leveraging the political tensions and driving up the prices. The Americans are suffering, Indians are suffering, Europeans are suffering, and Chinese are suffering. Cant you do some thing good that results in bettering the lot of suffering billions Mr. President? Yes I believe that you alone can do something to defuse the tension that is leading to oil price upsurge. Are you listening Mr. PRESIDENT? A few years back it is the Iraqi issue. Now it is Iran issue. The issues appear to be unending and the sufferings appear to be unending unless you resolve to do something different.

Mr. PRESIDENT, you can become the most powerful and most admired PRESIDENT and the leader world over if you decide to

Do the right things the right way always like a big brother leading the family of nations. Don’t think twice to do good things that soothe. Never do things that hurt.

Nuclear weapons only assure mutual destruction and offer no security to the nations that possess them. Be bold and agree to surrender the entire nuclear arsenal of the US to a world body for destruction. All the other nuclear nations will follow the suit since no nation wants mutually assured destruction. All the nations having nuclear ambitions too will automatically give up their ambitions and it will create a nuclear weapons free world. Now a day no nation is willing to fight even conventional wars. Such a bold and brave and good step coming from you will make you the most admired leader in the world and defuse most of the tensions in the world among the nations. Good actions need no thinking. Just go ahead and do. See the change in the world scene overnight.

Try to earn the trust of nations those distrust you and your policies. Leader should never shy away from talking to the estranged brother and listen to his grievances and causes for distrust. Take the phone on your table and call up the IRANIAN PRESIDENT. Talk to him and listen to him. Assure him that you are ready for negotiations. Try to remove the concerns and irritants. The Iranian President I have no doubt will appreciate your gesture. He too is not interested in tension with all powerful US. Talk first on what you agree. Create trust and confidence. This gesture will go down well with Iran and the entire world. It will create the environment needed for amicable settlement of issues.

Do acts and actions that help the nations. Ultimately such actions will help you too.

Try to make global village concept a reality. Try to convert UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY into a true world parliament and unite the nations of the world.

Poverty, underdevelopment and unemployment are hurting the less privileged and developing nations. Fight these demons with the rich nations and defeat them.

Try to defuse the political tensions that are dividing nations on the principles of equity, justice and fair play.

Organize global efforts for conservation of exhaustible sources of energy and encourage global efforts for promoting research in renewal sources of energy like bio fuels.

Admire the good qualities of even those you distrust.

Mr. President, if you start implementing these measures, the tensions in the world over will disappear. You will emerge as the true global leader, most admired, most loved, most remembered, and most popular and the most important person in every family and every nation.

You can make that difference.



own observations

Article Source:

A House of Prayer for All Peoples?

By David Ben-Ariel

On Simchat Torah (Festival of the Rejoicing of the Law/Last Great Day) I went up to the Temple Mount with my Bible to pray. Although I do not usually wear a kippa (skull cap), I took one with me.

My first challenge was to pass the guards near the Temple Mount entrance; if they saw me with my Bible they would not let me enter. I silently prayed all the way up to the site where God's Temple stood twice, and will be rebuilt for a third and final time, that I would be able to go in. I got past the guards.

You say Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.

Israel has no law against Christians and Jews praying or reading scriptures on the Temple Mount. However, it does have an unwritten agreement with the Wakf (Muslim religious authorities) prohibiting this. No sign is posted, stating: "Warning! Christian and Jewish prayers are forbidden! Bibles not allowed inside by Muslim religious authorities. Proceed with caution!"

I do not accept that Moslems have the authority to forbid me from reading appropriate Psalms or the New Testament account of Jesus celebrating the Water Libation Ceremony (Psalms 120-134, John 7:37). My question was, where should I read those passages? I ended up between the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aksa mosque, just to the right of the place where Moslems wash their hands and feet. I was on the other side of the raised platform there, if you face the Mosque of Omar.

First, I nervously sat and read. Then I put on my black kippa, stood up and started to read for a few minutes until I became distracted by fears of being attacked by the Moslem guards. I sat down, took off my kippa, and continued to read. Then one of the Wakf guards noticed me and asked what I was reading. I replied, "Yes, it's my book." He took it from me and saw that it was a Bible. He demanded to know if I was a Christian or a Jew. When I told him I was a Christian, he asked me why I was wearing a magen David (Star of David).

I did not feel obligated to explain that it was a gift from my mother and youngest sister, and told him, "Give back my Bible." He ordered, "You have to leave now!" Again I said, "Give back my Bible." When he refused, I demanded its return more loudly. He raised his fist as if to hit me and warned me not to raise my voice. This attracted the attention of some passing tourists, who gathered around us. I told them, "This thief has stolen my Bible!"

The Wakf guard told me to leave again and threatened to hit me. He said he would give me back my Bible outside. Since there was no reason for him to confiscate it in the first place, I told him to return it to me then and there and I would go. At this point he radioed an Israeli policeman, who came running. The Israeli handcuffed my right hand, which I raised and showed to the assembled tourists, saying, "This is Israeli democracy!" I asked the Israeli repeatedly, "What law have I broken?" knowing that I had not broken any law, yet was being treated like a common criminal.

I am shocked that Jewish police in the Jewish State help maintain Moslem domination of the Temple Mount by suppressing Christian and Jewish religious rights there. Is it the Temple Mount or the Mosque Mount?

An Israeli policeman led me away. I told the bewildered tourists, "This is what happens to a Christian or Jew who wants to read the Bible where the holy Temple stood. This is what happens to Christians and Jews who want to pray where our prophets and patriarchs prayed, and where Jesus and his disciples taught."

Why the exclusive religious rights for Moslems? And Israel wants to hand over control of Rachel's Tomb, Bethlehem and Joseph's Tomb to Moslem religious authorities?! Are they crazy or what?

In the police station at the Western Wall Plaza, the officers wanted to know who else was with me. They were relieved to find that I was alone. (They should have known I was performing a mitzva [religious commandment]). The police said they arrested me for my own protection. I told them they should have arrested the Wakf guard who threatened me! Why not remove, once and for all, the threat of Moslem violence? Why reward Moslem extremists?

The police laughed in disbelief when I told them I am a Christian and that my Bible includes the New Testament, which they returned to me. A Druze officer said, "But you must respect other religions." He remained silent when I asked, "Where was their respect for mine?" I explained that our Biblical goal is to enable everyone to come and pray on the mountain where God's Temple stood, and in the Temple when it will be rebuilt. It is prophesied to become a "House of Prayer" for all nations.

The police told me I could return to the Temple Mount as a tourist - without my Bible. I said that I do not want to go up there only as a "tourist;" I want to pray there. When they asked me how many times I had been up there, I said "a thousand." They wrote that down in their report. They said I could make a short statement for the record. I said something to this effect: "Is it too much to ask during this 3,000th anniversary of King David's Jerusalem to peacefully read his inspired words on the Temple Mount?"

When I left the police compound, one of the policemen told me I did a good thing. Once outside, I was met by some Jews who saw the incident and congratulated me.

I pray that this unfortunate encounter will raise awareness of Israel's religious discrimination against Christians and Jews. The situation must change. It will when enough people cry "Basta!" (Italian for "enough!").

May the day soon come when Christians, Jews and Moslems can say: "My House shall be called a house of prayer for all Peoples." (Isaiah 56:7). The Bible says

"Moreover, concerning the stranger, who (is) not of Your people Israel, but comes out of a far country for Your Name's sake. For they shall hear of Your great Name, and of your mighty hand, and of Your outstretched arm, and will come and pray toward this house. Hear you in heaven Your dwelling place, and do according to all that the stranger calls to You for, that all peoples of the earth may know Your Name, to fear you, as (do) Your people Israel, that they may know that Your Name is called upon this house that I have built." (I Kings 8:41-43)

"And the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord to serve Him and to love the name of the Lord, to be His servants - everyone who observes the Sabbath - I will bring them to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon My altar, for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples." (Isaiah 56:6-7)

"And it shall come to pass at the end of days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established at the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and peoples shall flow to it. And many nations shall go, and say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord...and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths,' for out of Zion shall go forth the Torah, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." (Micah 4:1-2)

(This article was originally published in the Jerusalem-based, Root and Branch Association newsletter, January 1996.)

See Israel's 1967 Protection of Holy Places Law they have failed to enforce and refused to uphold.

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer in Ohio and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Visit the Third Temple on the Temple Mount blog.

Article Source:

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Prayer Changes Things Pt. 1

By Mark E. Baker

Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7. and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The Apostle Paul is telling us that we should pray and make our requests made known to God, but firstly he is telling us to not be anxious. This is step one. There is no need to go to step two if step one is not followed. Unlike a set of instruction you may get when assembling something purchased, you can often look at the thing and see that this part goes here and that part goes there. God's instructions are specific in the way they are written and in the way we are suppose to follow them. You must follow God's instructions if you want to get the desired results. If you don’t follow God's instructions there is no need in blaming God for the lack of results, just go back to the Word of God and find out where you missed it.

An anxious heart will not be able to receive the promises of God by faith. Be anxious for nothing. Do not have any anxiety about anything, as one translation says. Then you can make your request made known to God, and the desired result will be peace of mind and heart. You may ask what that has to do with whatever your request was. Peace is an incredible thing. It is the desired result of praying according to God's will. If you don’t have God's peace, you won’t receive what ever your petition was.

First of all, you are to go to God with confidence and full assurity. You get this way by thinking continually on the word of God and keeping His promises before you. Secondly if you don’t have peace, you need to check and see if you have followed the first two steps. I would like to point out that this is not a formula, buts God's instructions to us in order to receive His promises.

John 15:7 "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

Jesus the master teacher said it so simply and directly. Step one, you must abide in Him. Step two, His words must abide in you. Step three, ask what you desire and it shall be done for you. He said a very similar thing to what the Apostle Paul later said, Didn’t He?

You see the Word of God always flows together. You are not going to have anxiety if you are doing what Jesus said to do, are you? If you are abiding in Jesus, and His words are abiding in you, then you are going to the Father in prayer, anxiety free, and the end result will be the peace of God will keep you heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I would like to point out something else while we are looking at this Scripture, Jesus said ask what you desire. He didn’t say to just ask what you need, but what you desire. Then He said that it, or the desire you petitioned God about would be given to you.
Your hearts desires will be in line with God's Word if you are abiding in Him and His words are abiding in you, won't they? Yes they will! You won't have to worry about asking for the wrong things, you will be so full of God's Word that nothing but things in line with His Word will be asked for.

When you are praying this way, your prayer is the will of God. Prayer is another way of saying you are processing out the very will of God, working out His will and bringing His will into existence here on the Earth. You might ask why do I have to ask if it is already God's will. Won’t He just bring it to pass? NO! We must ask!

The Apostle James said; Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. James 4:2b-3.

Again, if you are abiding in God's Word, you are not going to ask amiss as the Apostle James was saying here.

John 16:23 "And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. 24. "Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.

Peace was one of the end results of prayer, but Jesus was saying we are to ask so that our joy may be full. Have you ever considered that God wants us to have joy and peace, and He’s telling us in His Word what to do in order to walk in these things.

We must ask. We have not because we ask not. We could put this in the personal way and say we will have because we ask! I am not trying to twist something around here, only to say we are being told to ask so that we might receive. God wants us to have joy, peace, and to fulfill the desires of our heart.

Sometimes we miss God by praying the wrong way, there are many different types of prayer mentioned in the Word of God. No one single type of prayer is always the right way to pray in every situation. There is the prayer of faith, the prayer of intercession, the prayer of salvation, the prayer of consecration the prayer of repentance. We don’t need to get saved again and again after we have acknowledged Jesus as Lord and received eternal life, we do however need to consecrate ourselves to the Lord. Sometimes we need to set time aside for prayer and fasting in order to do this very thing, and to put off the old man of the flesh. An example of this is in the 13th chapter of Acts.

Acts 13:1-3. Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, "Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.'' Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away.

Notice the conditions in which the Holy Ghost spoke, Fasting and worshiping God. …
They were given a clear direction for their calling and an anointing to accomplish what the Lord sent them to do. These men were already accomplished ministers. They could have been satisfied with what they had right there, but God had more for them. You will notice in chapter 14 when it was talking about them it calls them Apostles, up until that time they were called prophets and teachers. Paul didn’t start out as an Apostle, remember the good, and acceptable, and perfect, will. They wanted to fulfill that perfect will of God in their lives, So they were fasting, worshiping God, waiting on the Lord to give them direction, weren’t they?

Have you ever stopped to consider what would have happened to Paul and Barnabas if they had not taken the time to wait on God, seek Him, and avail themselves of Him. We each have a part to play in this. You don’t just step out into the perfect will of God without clear direction, and you don’t get clear direction unless you spend time in the presence of God and have consecrated yourself to Him.

Paul and Barnabas would not have received their Apostleship. They never would
Have had hands laid on them, and they would have never received the anointing to fullfill the work God had called them to fulfill, and they would have never fulfilled the perfect will of God in their lives

God equipped them and anointed them to fulfill His purpose. That equipping happened during a time of fasting, seeking Him, ministering to Him, worshiping Him, and availing themselves to Him. They consecrated themselves unto the Lord. The calling of God was already there, but they had to put themselves into a place where they could receive that calling and anointing didn’t they? .

Paul went on to fulfill the calling of God on His life and wrote 2/3s of the New Testament in the process.

The prayer of salvation is the prayer we pray when we receive eternal life. As I said earlier you don’t get saved over and over again, just like you don’t get born naturally over and over again. It is a one time deal. There are times when we miss God and we have to pray the prayer of repentance.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

This was written to Christians, not to the world. The world doesn’t have fellowship with God at all.

Broken fellowship is always the end result of sin, and only true repentance can restore broken fellowship. Fellowship is another way of saying communion. Christian have fellowship or communion with God and sin keep us from having fellowship. In the same way you could have an argument with a spouse or friend and your fellowship is broken, when you go and say your sorry and make things right, then you restore that fellowship.
This is such an important aspect of the Christian walk.

Ephesians 4:25 Therefore, putting away lying, each one speak truth with his neighbor, for we are members of one another. 26. "Be angry, and do not sin'': do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27. nor give place to the devil.

This opens the door to the devil so making things right not only restores broken fellowship but shuts the door in his face.
Keep the door shut on that liar and don’t give him any place. We will continue with the other types of prayer in the next Soul Food.

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Do you want to be a joint heir with Christ?
If so, I urge you to earnestly pray the following prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. Your word says, “…and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (Jn.6:37),

So I know You won’t cast me out, but You take me in, And I thank you for it. You said in your Word, "whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.'' (Ro. 10:13).

I am calling on Your name, So I know You have saved me now, You also said, “…that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” (Ro.10:9,10).

I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He was raised from the dead for my justification. And I confess Him now as my Lord, Because Your Word says, “… with the heart one believes to righteousness…” and I do believe with my heart, I have now become the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21),

And I am saved! Thank You, Lord!
I can now truthfully say, I see myself as a born again child of God!

Glory to God!!!! Amen.

I was raised Catholic, and was born again at the age of 17. I received God's call into ministry at the age of 19 and began to prepare for ministry. I graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in 1979, The Lord has called me to teach. I want to help other come to a knowledge of the truth and have started a web site for the purpose of teaching and discipleship called The Olive Branch;

Mark E. Baker

Article Source:

Prayer and Consciousness

By Margo Kirtikar Ph.D.

There is a method to prayer and a method to growth in consciousness.
Some of us make the error of thinking that it is enough to believe in God, to sit in silence and to think about God. Some of us think it is enough if we attend church every Sunday, recite a little prayer before every meal or to help charity once in a while. Some of us think it is enough to mention the name of God or to follow habitual rituals of prayer. All this, however, is not enough. I am genuinely sorry to disappoint you my friend, but this is not enough.

God, the Divine, the Logos, Allah, Brahma, demands much more of us. We wonder why our prayers are not answered. The question is how genuine are we in our prayers? How true are we? How faithful are we? Do you know that it is the intensity of our prayer that determines whether our prayers are answered or not? How much of our energy and passion do we put into our prayers? How much of our true selves do we put into our prayers? Just how committed are we to God when we pray? Are we committed in whole or only in part as we pray? i.e. Is our mind wondering on to other things as we pray therefore in part only or are we fully focused?

You see, because the fact is, that we are required to commit to God totally and fully, in body mind and soul, no less. God demands this of us. This does not mean that we need to be fanatics, not at all, because that would be just as bad an extreme as being too lax in our devotion to God. Let me explain…

We are divine beings and there is a spark of God within each living soul. It is this little spark that is within each one of us, regardless who we are, that we need to fan to a roaring blaze so that we feel God’s warmth. We need to expand this divine spark within us for us to grow in our consciousness level. Too many of us wallow in our follies and mistakes and we defend ourselves with a thousand excuses of why we cannot move forward and away from the habitual negative spaces and detrimental energies that we are stuck in. Year in year out we make virtues of our shortcomings, we say ‘this is who I am and I can’t change that’ or ‘that is how I am and there’s nothing I can do about it’ or ‘this is much too difficult I can’t do this’ or 'I have no time' but these are all nothing but excuses for being lethargic and plain lazy, not interested in making any effort to move away from our zone of material comfort. We spend more time focusing and nurturing and feeding our shortcomings, displaying them like trophies to each other and to the world, instead of shifting our focus on how we can be better human beings, on how we can develop and add positive qualities to our character, to be more constructive and to contribute to family, friends, work place and to the society at large.

There is a method to this if you really want to know. There is a method to growth in consciousness. A simple but effective method used by all who thread the spiritual path in earnest. This method is to judge oneself, not others, but to judge oneself. Constantly and regularly, every end of the day, to look back on the day, to our thoughts and actions, we see where we have failed as good human beings, we see our own mistakes, we acknowledge that with acceptance, and we pray to ask for pardon and forgiveness and then we pray for the right guidance to do better. We pray for patience and for inner strength. We pray for insight, inner vision and wisdom. This we need to do with our whole being and not only with a part of us. We need to be engaged fully with mind body and soul as God demands it. We need to be totally devoted. When we do this regularly without fail, the positive results are guaranteed.

Let’s take this as an example. If you love someone deeply you have the wish and the need, to show this to the person you love, right? You want to express your love to them and you give of yourself without holding back. You don’t think or say, ‘but you know I love you, why do I need to show you? or ‘why should I do this or that for you, you know I love you isn’t that enough ?’ or ‘you know I love you so I do not need to be respectful or appreciative of you’ and so on.
It is of no difference at all with the Divine. We need to show our love, to demonstrate it, to express this in all our prayers to God. We need to love and to cherish God the Divine. We also need to show our love to God by loving the Divine God Spark, the Spirit within ourselves. We need to respect and to love the Divine God Spark within every other human being we deal with. If we keep this thought alive in our mind that there is a Divine Godly Spark in every soul we meet, the Spirit within, and we address this God Spark in everyone we meet, our whole attitude towards our fellow beings will change. Our whole world will change if every one of us made a point of holding this thought in our mind. Imagine that each one of us is a Universe and a mini God in the making and we are all constantly interacting with other mini Gods in the making. For in the end the ultimate truth is God is Cosmic Consciousness, God is Energy, God is Life, God is Light, God is Love and we are all One with God.

I’d like to quote the following from a book ‘The Secret of Light’ by Walter Russel, 1871-1963, a visionary, known as the man who tapped the secrets of the universe.

“Every happening anywhere happens everywhere. The milkweed fluff floating lazily in the summer sky affects the balance of the whole universe of suns and galaxies. Every part of the universe moves in interdependent unison as the wheels of a watch move in unison. The watch wheels are geared together mechanically. The rhythmic wave universe is geared together electrically. The entire universe is one and must be kept in balance as one. Changes of condition in any one part are simultaneously reflected in every other part and are sequentially repeated in it.
Everything that is, is of everything else that is. All things are indissolubly united. – from the Divine Iliad.”

All of us should reflect on these words and remember them as we pray and as we move forward each of us on our own individual path towards cosmic consciousness.

Margo Kirtikar is a spiritual coach and guide, helps people to find their path, achieve their goals, discover their true potential.

Article Source:

A House of Prayer for All Peoples?

By David Ben-Ariel

On Simchat Torah (Festival of the Rejoicing of the Law/Last Great Day) I went up to the Temple Mount with my Bible to pray. Although I do not usually wear a kippa (skull cap), I took one with me.

My first challenge was to pass the guards near the Temple Mount entrance; if they saw me with my Bible they would not let me enter. I silently prayed all the way up to the site where God's Temple stood twice, and will be rebuilt for a third and final time, that I would be able to go in. I got past the guards.

You say Jewish guards prevent Christians and Jews from exercising their religious right to pray on the Temple Mount? That's right! Only Muslims have unlimited access to Judaism's most holy site. Only the Koran is permitted within. The Tanach (Jewish Scripture, known to much of the world as the "Old Testament") and Christian Scriptures (the New Testament) are forbidden. Yet Israel claims to respect the religious rights of all people.

Israel has no law against Christians and Jews praying or reading scriptures on the Temple Mount. However, it does have an unwritten agreement with the Wakf (Muslim religious authorities) prohibiting this. No sign is posted, stating: "Warning! Christian and Jewish prayers are forbidden! Bibles not allowed inside by Muslim religious authorities. Proceed with caution!"

I do not accept that Moslems have the authority to forbid me from reading appropriate Psalms or the New Testament account of Jesus celebrating the Water Libation Ceremony (Psalms 120-134, John 7:37). My question was, where should I read those passages? I ended up between the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aksa mosque, just to the right of the place where Moslems wash their hands and feet. I was on the other side of the raised platform there, if you face the Mosque of Omar.

First, I nervously sat and read. Then I put on my black kippa, stood up and started to read for a few minutes until I became distracted by fears of being attacked by the Moslem guards. I sat down, took off my kippa, and continued to read. Then one of the Wakf guards noticed me and asked what I was reading. I replied, "Yes, it's my book." He took it from me and saw that it was a Bible. He demanded to know if I was a Christian or a Jew. When I told him I was a Christian, he asked me why I was wearing a magen David (Star of David).

I did not feel obligated to explain that it was a gift from my mother and youngest sister, and told him, "Give back my Bible." He ordered, "You have to leave now!" Again I said, "Give back my Bible." When he refused, I demanded its return more loudly. He raised his fist as if to hit me and warned me not to raise my voice. This attracted the attention of some passing tourists, who gathered around us. I told them, "This thief has stolen my Bible!"

The Wakf guard told me to leave again and threatened to hit me. He said he would give me back my Bible outside. Since there was no reason for him to confiscate it in the first place, I told him to return it to me then and there and I would go. At this point he radioed an Israeli policeman, who came running. The Israeli handcuffed my right hand, which I raised and showed to the assembled tourists, saying, "This is Israeli democracy!" I asked the Israeli repeatedly, "What law have I broken?" knowing that I had not broken any law, yet was being treated like a common criminal.

I am shocked that Jewish police in the Jewish State help maintain Moslem domination of the Temple Mount by suppressing Christian and Jewish religious rights there. Is it the Temple Mount or the Mosque Mount?

An Israeli policeman led me away. I told the bewildered tourists, "This is what happens to a Christian or Jew who wants to read the Bible where the holy Temple stood. This is what happens to Christians and Jews who want to pray where our prophets and patriarchs prayed, and where Jesus and his disciples taught."

Why the exclusive religious rights for Moslems? And Israel wants to hand over control of Rachel's Tomb, Bethlehem and Joseph's Tomb to Moslem religious authorities?! Are they crazy or what?

In the police station at the Western Wall Plaza, the officers wanted to know who else was with me. They were relieved to find that I was alone. (They should have known I was performing a mitzva [religious commandment]). The police said they arrested me for my own protection. I told them they should have arrested the Wakf guard who threatened me! Why not remove, once and for all, the threat of Moslem violence? Why reward Moslem extremists?

The police laughed in disbelief when I told them I am a Christian and that my Bible includes the New Testament, which they returned to me. A Druze officer said, "But you must respect other religions." He remained silent when I asked, "Where was their respect for mine?" I explained that our Biblical goal is to enable everyone to come and pray on the mountain where God's Temple stood, and in the Temple when it will be rebuilt. It is prophesied to become a "House of Prayer" for all nations.

The police told me I could return to the Temple Mount as a tourist - without my Bible. I said that I do not want to go up there only as a "tourist;" I want to pray there. When they asked me how many times I had been up there, I said "a thousand." They wrote that down in their report. They said I could make a short statement for the record. I said something to this effect: "Is it too much to ask during this 3,000th anniversary of King David's Jerusalem to peacefully read his inspired words on the Temple Mount?"

When I left the police compound, one of the policemen told me I did a good thing. Once outside, I was met by some Jews who saw the incident and congratulated me.

I pray that this unfortunate encounter will raise awareness of Israel's religious discrimination against Christians and Jews. The situation must change. It will when enough people cry "Basta!" (Italian for "enough!").

May the day soon come when Christians, Jews and Moslems can say: "My House shall be called a house of prayer for all Peoples." (Isaiah 56:7). The Bible says

"Moreover, concerning the stranger, who (is) not of Your people Israel, but comes out of a far country for Your Name's sake. For they shall hear of Your great Name, and of your mighty hand, and of Your outstretched arm, and will come and pray toward this house. Hear you in heaven Your dwelling place, and do according to all that the stranger calls to You for, that all peoples of the earth may know Your Name, to fear you, as (do) Your people Israel, that they may know that Your Name is called upon this house that I have built." (I Kings 8:41-43)

"And the foreigners who join themselves to the Lord to serve Him and to love the name of the Lord, to be His servants - everyone who observes the Sabbath - I will bring them to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon My altar, for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples." (Isaiah 56:6-7)

"And it shall come to pass at the end of days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established at the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and peoples shall flow to it. And many nations shall go, and say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord...and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths,' for out of Zion shall go forth the Torah, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." (Micah 4:1-2)

(This article was originally published in the Jerusalem-based, Root and Branch Association newsletter, January 1996.)

See Israel's 1967 Protection of Holy Places Law they have failed to enforce and refused to uphold.

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer in Ohio and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Visit the Third Temple on the Temple Mount blog.

Article Source:

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Let Your Will, Not Mine, Be Done

By Dawn Fields

Can I be honest with you? There are days when I just
don’t feel like getting up in the morning. I’m noticing
this a lot lately because the weather is changing and
it’s pretty cold early in the morning when I awake to
start my day. There are days when I move that blanket
off of me and quickly snatch it back because it’s too
cold to get up. I know I HAVE to get up, especially
because it’s cold and I know I have to turn the heat
on so it’s warm when the rest of my family gets up to
start their day.

But, if I had to be honest with myself, there are
plenty of days that I want to simply roll back over
and get a couple of more hours of sleep. I simply
don’t feel like getting up and doing my morning rituals
—like praying and thanking God for the miracles He has
in store for me for the day; like meditating or
exercising (well, since the truth is be told, I
sometimes, even on my most motivated days, find
a reason to skip this step); like reviewing my
goals and taking time to visualize them manifesting
in my life.


There are even times when I don’t feel like being
positive, motivating others, writing these articles,
conducting my radio show, putting on a presentation,
helping others, or taking care of my other

But it is at these moments when I remember Jesus.
Remember, right before he was betrayed by Judas at
Gethsemane, he was praying because He was struggling
with the thoughts of not wanting to do want He was
called to do. He was praying because he said,
“the spirit is willing but the body is weak.”

He knew that God’s will was that He be crucified.
He knew it because He lived according to His spirit
and not His body—the human part of Him.

Now, me doing a presentation or getting up in
the morning to meditate and pray can in no way
be compared to what Jesus had to do. And, I’m NOT,
in any way, trying to imply that the two are even
remotely similar.

But I am trying to point out how Jesus lived by
the spirit and no matter what his body, the human
part of Him wanted or was suggesting that He do,
He was strong enough in his spirit that he was
always able to overcome that feeling of not allowing
the body to rule his life.

But that’s what we do. I’m guilty too.

We KNOW what we are supposed to do. We have all
the answers that we will ever need to live a
God-fearing, purpose-filled life of abundance
and prosperity.

But, yet, we ignore the spirit. The spirit is
God’s way of communicating with us. God wants
us to do certain things that He is instructing
us to do. Yet, our bodies, our egos, our human
function, seem to overtake our spiritual commands
and we end up living lives that are unhappy,
unprosperous, unsuccessful and unfulfilling—and
have the nerve to wonder way.

“Let Your will be done.”

If you were to incorporate this one line into your
life—I mean REALLY incorporate it into your life
where everything you do, whether it goes against
what you want to do at that moment, and always let
God’s will be done—by following your spirit AT ALL
TIME, regardless of what your ego, your body, your
conscious is wanting you to do--you will find that
your life will be completely happy, prosperous,
successful and fulfilling.


Because once you learn, and I mean REALLY learn,
that you are a spiritual being incased in flesh,
which is called the BODY and that you are to follow,
listen to and obey your spirit—completely and unconditionally
—you will be able to live a more abundant life.

Like everything else, it takes practice. And, I don’t
care how often you practice it, there will still be
times when YOU will get in the way of your spirit and
not want to get out of bed because it’s so much more
comfortable and cozy at this moment than getting out
of bed and meditating, or praying, or reading some
index cards filled with goals.

But after a while, with a bit of practice, when NOT
doing the thing or things that your spirit is leading
you to do, a small voice will come to you, in a whisper
at first but then turn into a SHOUT, “LET YOUR WILL,

And, when it does—WATCH OUT!! God will be moving in
your life and you will be headed for a wonderful,
blissful, God – filled, aw-inspiring life.

When it happens to you, make sure to send me an email
and tell me all about it. Oh, I hope it’s not too cold
that morning because I might not feel like getting up
and reading it. (smile)

Dawn Fields is a motivational speaker, author and coach. She has an amazing way of reaching you with her down-to-earth style and her ability to make the impossible seem possible. Sign up for her FREE weekly newsletter by sending a blank email to
with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Visit the web site at Be sure to tune into her weekly radio show Thursday nights at 9 p.m. at

Article Source:,-Not-Mine,-Be-Done&id=34311

Re: Prayer is not superstition

Power of Prayer

A video about the power of prayer and the potential of christians to change the world

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tongues, Praying in the Spirit of the Lord

By Paul Davis

Let us briefly acknowledge the three types of tongues that God’s Spirit does use to express Himself. First, there is a tongue with which to preach, so as to communicate the gospel to the nationalities of the world perishing in their sins (Acts 2:4-8). Secondly, there is the gift of being able to pray in tongues (1 Cor. 14:14-15), which greatly enhances your prayer life – as we don’t always know what we should pray for as we ought (Rom. 8:26-27). Thirdly, there is a prophetic tongue, which the Holy Spirit on occasions may give within a corporate assembly of the saints (1 Cor. 14:26). Such a tongue will come with a gift of the Spirit to interpret the utterance in the language of the people to relay the prophetic message (v. 27-28).

The issue in the early Church was not whether people spoke in tongues or not, but rather how much they spoke in tongues. The apostle Paul said, “I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than you all” (1 Cor. 14:18). This man who wrote two-thirds of the New Testament definitely new the great blessing that comes from praying in tongues. Yet the gifts of the Spirit, of which tongues is, are received by grace through faith as is salvation. Moreover, these gifts are only given to whosoever will. Some “will” to be ignorant and resistant, of which God is content to let them be (1 Cor. 14:38; Isa. 28:11-12).

Smith Wigglesworth said, “You should be so in the order of the Spirit that you may know that your will, your mind, your heart may be so centered in God that He may lift you into the pavilion of splendor where you hear His voice, lift you to the place where the breath of the Almighty can send you to pray and send you to preach, the Spirit of the Lord being upon you. …Are you ready for this glorious place where you are dismissed and God takes place, to send you on your eternal race to win thousands of people that they may enter into eternal grace?”

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of grace and supplication (Zech. 12:10) that enables you to pray. There are many types, avenues, and streams of prayer. By exercise and use you will continually discover new dimensions and ways the Holy Spirit will flow through you as you pray. God is a Spirit (John 4:24) not a brain. Therefore get into the rivers of the Holy Spirit and enjoy the flow (John 7:37-39). The Holy Spirit will carry your spirit where your mind can’t go! Taste and see the Lord is good!

The above excerpt has been taken from Paul Davis' book "Holy Ghost Fire or Hellfire? The inescapable choice." Other books by this author include "Breakthrough for a Broken Heart," "Stop Lusting & Start Living," and the forthcoming "God vs. Religion."

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul has also served many in war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His nonprofit organization Dream-Maker Ministries is building dreams, breaking limitations and reviving nations.

Paul truly has been baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. His fiery ministry inspires, revives, awakens, impregnates with purpose, imparts the fire of desire, catapults people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitates destiny discovery and dream fulfillment.

Contact Paul to minister, speak at your event or for life coaching: 407-967-7553

See his miraculous and supernatural ministry videos at:, http://www.CreativeCommunications.TV

Article Source:,-Praying-in-the-Spirit-of-the-Lord&id=339688

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Incredible Power of Prayer

By Wendy Betterini

During moments of helplessness, there is always one thing that can be done to make us feel more purposeful: pray. Contrary to traditional prayer poses, we don't have to spend hours on our knees with hands steepled before us. Prayer can actually be a wonderful, calming, energizing, yet comfortable activity. Sit or lie in any position you wish. Arrange yourself as if you were preparing for a long chat with a close friend.

Though prayer can mean different things to different people, most of us would agree that prayer is simply talking to God. But many don't realize that prayer is actually a lot more pro-active than simply talking! When we pray, we are actually setting certain forces into motion. Prayers are thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Energy has power. When we pray, we are purposely setting energy into motion.

Prayer is much more than just "asking for something." Prayer is affirming, visualizing, and having faith that certain circumstances are sure to follow. Remember that God also gave us the ability to create. We create every single day. We use our bodies and minds to generate money (a form of energy) to support our families. Men and women come together to create new life. Artists take a blank canvas and create a breathtaking vision of beauty. For human beings, creating is the simplest form of expression. The most difficult part is deciding what to create and then having the discipline to form our thoughts in that direction.

How does this process of creation apply to victims of a disaster? Beyond the obvious physical necessities of food, water, clothing and shelter, what do these people need the most? They need comfort. They need peace. They need to know that everything is going to be okay again, even though their entire world has just been turned upside down. They are grieving for lost loved ones, homes, friends, jobs, neighbors and so much more. They weathered the storm, they are lucky to be alive, but now what?

Now they begin the slow process of building another life for themselves, which is a frightening thing to do. We are creatures of habit. We like our comfortable, familiar routines. The unknown is scary. And the only thing I've found that can reduce fear is FAITH. But so many of these people are without faith right now. They've lost everything, including hope. We need to send our own faith to help them, huge chunks of faith, swaddled in love and borne on the wings of prayer.

How exactly do we do this? Whether you are a spiritual practitioner or not, whether you are a religious person or not, remember that prayers are simply thoughts. Send positive thoughts. Visualize the victims, individually or as a collective group, and surround them with love, peace, comfort, strength and healing. Make it real, make it strong, make it a powerful vision. The more energy you put into it, the more energy that WILL go into it.

Maybe you have doubts about how well this really works. Do it anyway. Put your doubt aside for a few moments, and pretend it will work. Or do an internet search on the Power of Prayer, and read about the many studies that have been done on this topic. I think you'll be surprised by some of the results.

The strongest benefit of this type of purposeful prayer is that it reduces our feelings of powerlessness. It reminds us that we can co-create with God to make this world a better place, to help our fellow man, and ourselves. Though we may feel powerless much of the time, we are in control of a lot more than we might think.

Will praying for people make all of their trials vanish instantly? Probably not. But what if we can give them something more than the basic necessities of life? What if we can somehow pass along the will to get through another day, the strength to face their grief, and the courage to start over? Isn't that worth the effort? I think so.

Wendy Betterini is a freelance writer who strives to motivate, uplift, and inspire you to make your dreams a reality. Visit her website, for more positive thoughts to help you on your journey.

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How Do You Know God Hears You When You Pray

By Carey Kinsolving

"God doesn't only have one phone line," says Avery, age 10. Apparently, Avery has never heard a busy signal when praying.

We've all experienced the unavailability of important people. We may think God is too busy to listen to the details of our lives, but God is a perfect father. He takes special delight when his children come to him in prayer.

Even when President Kennedy had important meetings in the Oval Office, one person always had access to him: his son.

"If you have faith and are born again, then you should know God is listening," says Joel, 10.

Not only does he listen, but he also answers prayer.

"One time I prayed for my brother to get well, and the next day, he was healed," says Paul, 9.

"I know because I prayed for my grandmother," says Deana, 10. "She has a rare type of cancer, and God has kept her alive for 13 years."

"God answers prayer because he keeps my family safe," says Ellen, 7.

Friends, thank you for examples of how God has answered your prayers. Remember what the Apostle James wrote in his New Testament epistle: "You have not because you ask not." However, James could have said, your prayers are answered because you had the faith to ask.

James also wrote that God will not answer the prayers of the proud, envious and jealous. Selfish prayers from wrong motives don't go any higher than the ceiling.

"God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble," wrote the Apostle James. Self-sufficient people don't like to ask anyone for anything, but where God is concerned, we all need his grace.

Whitney, 10, says it another way: "If you ask for candy (and you might want it) but if you don't need it, God might not give it to you. If you pray for safety, he will give you safety."

Whitney wisely distinguishes between a desire and a need. Furthermore, she knows God has her best interest in mind. He's not going to give her something harmful.

Three times, the Apostle Paul asked God to remove a particular form of suffering he called a "thorn in the flesh." However, God said, "My grace is sufficient for you."

God wants us to learn how to trust him in the midst of suffering. God always has the big picture in view, namely our spiritual development.

As James, age 11, says, "God will answer you, but it might not be what you expected."

God has a reputation to uphold. Prayer that seeks God's glory can never go wrong. King David prayed for victory in battle not to prove his prowess as a warrior but to exalt God's name among the nations.

"Honoring God always brings blessings to mankind, because God desires the good of those whom he has created and especially those whom He redeemed," writes Bible scholar W.L. Liefeld. "The effective power of prayer does not ultimately reside in the prayer itself, but in the One to whom prayer is directed."

"In our classroom, we have a prayer request list," says John, age 11. "When prayers are answered, we move them down to the praise list."

John, the lessons you're learning about depending on the Lord in prayer are invaluable. Your teacher must have a bold faith to post a prayer request and praise list in your classroom.

To illustrate effective prayer, Jesus spoke of the nurturing relationship of a vine to branches. Referring to himself as the "true vine," Jesus made an incredible promise to his people: "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done to you" (John 15:7).

To abide means to stay. Where you stay has everything to do with whether your prayers are answered.

Carey Kinsolving is a syndicated columnist, producer, author, speaker and website developer. To see more material like this, visit The Kids Talk About God website contains free, online content for children and families. See Carey’s Kid TV Interviews. Print free lessons from the "Kids Color Me Bible" and make your own book. Let an 11-year-old girl take you on a trip around the world in the Mission Explorers Streaming Video. Print Scripture verses illustrated by child artists. Receive a complimentary, weekly e-mail subscription to our Devotional Bible Lessons.

Bible quotations in this Bible lesson are from the New King James Version.

Copyright 2007 Carey Kinsolving

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The Freelance Writer's Thanksgiving Prayer

By Yuwanda Black


I’m thankful for clients.

I’m thankful for clients – who pay.

I’m thankful for clients – who pay on time.

I’m thankful for clients – who pay what I’m worth.

I’m thankful for clients – who pay their thanks to me.

I’m thankful for clients – who realize my value.

I’m thankful for clients – who have ideas.

I’m thankful for clients – who have no idea.

I’m thankful for clients – who know when to give up their ideas.

I’m thankful for clients – who know what they want.

I’m thankful for clients – who know when they don’t know what they want.

I’m thankful for clients – who let me do my job.

I’m thankful for clients – who realize writing IS a job.

I’m thankful for clients – who realize writing is MY job.


I’m thankful for the gift of writing.

I’m thankful for the gift of writing – for a living.

I’m thankful for the gift of writing – words that matter.

I’m thankful for the gift of writing – just for me.

I’m thankful for the gift of writing – love notes to those who matter.

I’m thankful for the gift of writing – editorials that change people’s minds.

I’m thankful for the gift of writing – to help others.

I’m thankful for the gift of writing – down what I’m thankful for.


I’m thankful for friends – who realize I write for a living.

I’m thankful for friends – who don’t ask me to work for free.

I’m thankful for friends – who don’t tell me to “get a real job.”

I’m thankful for friends – who pick up the tab during dry spells.


I’m thankful for family – who respect my working hours.

I’m thankful for family – who encouraged me to purse my dream.

I’m thankful for family – who ignore me when I’m on deadline.

I’m thankful for family – who know I love them, even when I’m on deadline.

I’m thankful for family – who realize that my computer really is a person to me.

I’m thankful for family – who know I’m a professional, even in my fuzzy slippers.


I’m thankful for deadlines – that pass.

I’m thankful for deadlines – that pass with pay.


I’m thankful for checks;

I’m thankful for checks – that come in the mail,

I’m thankful for checks – that come in the mail on time;

I’m thankful for checks – that come in the mail on time in my name;

I’m thankful for “notification of payment received” emails from PayPal;

I’m thankful for bank lines of credit;

I’m thankful for bank lines of credit – in my name;

I’m thankful for bills that don’t come;

I’m thankful for bills that don’t come – in my name;

I’m thankful for bills that are paid;

I’m thankful for bills that are paid – on time;

I’m thankful for bills that are paid on time – in my name.


I wish for vodka shots before talking to unreasonable clients;

bottles of tequila to share with good clients;

a moonshine hangover to nonpaying clients; and

a three-martini introduction to new clients.


I’m thankful for work.

I’m thankful for work – that matters.

I’m thankful for work – that I love.

I’m thankful for work – that I love that pays.

May be reprinted with the following, in full: Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. First-hand freelance success stories, e-courses, job postings, resume tips, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Log on to to learn how.

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Waiting On God--A Lesson On Prayer From The Eagle

Author: Leonard Scott

I am intrigued with God's creation. God is the greatest artist and scientist ever. Psalm 14:1 says, "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." It takes a fool to say there is no God if he can see and hear the world around him. All the way from the macrocosm to the microcosm displays ingenious creativity.

One animal that fascinates my imagination is the eagle. The Bible says in Isaiah 40:31, "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." There must be a reason an eagle is used in this analogy rather than some other creature.

Because of its very nature, an eagle is known as king of the birds. He is not much good on the ground, but was manufactured to rule the sky. Isaiah 40:31 addresses eagles and waiting.
Our age and society is one where people do not want to wait for anything or anybody. With all the modern time saving conveniences we have, it seems like we have less rather than more free time.

Automatic washers and dryers, microwave ovens, TV dinners, cell phones and numerous other technological advances are supposed to make our lives less hectic.

With all of these and other modern conveniences, we seem to have less time and more stress than ever. Children can't wait to be teenagers.

Then they can't wait to be old enough to get their driver's license. Then they can't wait to get out of school. Then they can't wait to be 21. Then they can't wait to get a job. Then they can't wait to get married. Then they can't wait to have children. Then they can't wait until the children are gone. Then they can't wait until they get their divorce. Finally they can't wait until they retire. Then they spend all their time wishing they were young.

We seem to never be satisfied with our present age and state of affairs. The apostle Paul teaches us by his example in Philippians 4:11 to be content in whatever state we find ourselves.
One of our biggest problems is that, in our society, we want everything now. The greatest successes and victories in history took time to accomplish.

Jacob loved Rachel but had to work seven years to marry her. Then at the end of the seven years, he found he had married her sister Leah. His father-in-law, Laban, told him it was the custom in their land for the oldest to marry first, but for seven more years of labor he could have Rachel too. Because of his great love for Rachel, Jacob agreed. Jacob was willing to wait.
Jacob's brother Esau was impatient and sold his birthright for a bowl of stew. That's why we need to learn to fast sometimes and get our flesh under subjection. Esau let his carnal desires cause him to lose out on his spiritual heritage. The same thing can happen to us when we value worldly pleasures above spiritual pursuits. If Esau had been patient and waited, he could have kept his birthright.

Joseph had a dream. The interpretation of his dream was that he would reign over his brothers. We must be careful in sharing our dreams with others. Everyone will not appreciate your vision. His brothers hated Joseph for his dreams and because he was favored.
Sometimes when God blesses you, people are going to hate you. When God favors you with a raise or a new car, your so-called friends are not always going to be glad for you. Your blessings can cause spirits of jealousy and envy to rise and turn into hatred.

Joseph's brothers threw him in a pit, threatened to murder him, and ultimately sold him into slavery. Because Joseph waited on God, everywhere he found himself God elevated him and blessed him. When Potiphar's wife lied about Joseph, and he was thrown into prison, he never stopped trusting God. When Pharaoh's butler forgot about him, he never stopped trusting God. And finally all his dreams came true, because Joseph knew how to wait upon the Lord.
Moses must have known as a young man that he was destined to be the emancipator of his people. Raised in the house of Pharaoh's daughter as a prince, Moses was trained and educated to be a warrior and a statesman. But his real mother, Jochebed, would not let him forget that he was a descendant of Abraham.

When he was forty years old, he saw an Egyptian mistreating an Israelite, and he killed the Egyptian. Even though he grew up in the house of the king as his daughter's adopted child, when Pharaoh found out, Moses was to be killed.

Moses fled to the wilderness where he married one of the daughters of a Midian priest. One day while watching his father-in-law's sheep, he received the mandate from God to go back to Egypt and emancipate the Israelites. This was forty years later when Moses was eighty years old.
Many people may feel that they are too old or too young to do something significant for God. They may feel that their time of effectiveness is past. But God is not as concerned about your age as He is about your availability and willingness to obey and follow Him. Moses waited on the Lord.

Years later, after the Promised Land had been occupied, the Israelites wanted a king like all the other nations. Saul was the man that was chosen. He started out performing well, but through time he became a tyrant. Saul became impatient and refused to wait for the prophet Samuel to offer the ceremonial sacrifice. Saul offered the sacrifice and God rejected him.

God then sent Samuel to Jesse's house to choose the king that would replace Saul. David was chosen. Samuel, upon God's direction, anointed David king of Israel. Even though David was anointed as king, it was fifteen years before he sat on the throne of the kingdom. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."

Isaiah speaks of mounting up with wings as eagles. Different animals have different characteristics and natures. Dogs bark, cats meow, snakes slither, cows moo and frogs croak.
Eagles and chickens are both birds. They both have wings, feathers, bird beaks and bird feet. But by nature they are very different. Isaiah likens the people of God to an eagle. Eagles are majestic birds known for their keen eyesight, courage, strength, and height and speed in flight.
Chickens are characterized as being good for dinner. They are the very symbol of fear. When someone is scared he is called "chicken." Chickens do not fly very high and are known for making a lot of noise.

Animals seem to know by instinct when a storm is brewing. It gets very quiet before the storm and most of the animals, including the chickens, begin running around, looking for a hiding place from the storm.

The eagle is not moved by the approaching storm. He sits upon his perch and when the storm comes, instead of flying away from the storm, he flies into it. Although he is tossed and buffeted, jerked and jolted, he keeps flying into the storm until the heavy winds lift him higher than the clouds, and he soars above the storm while the other animals are still in the storm. "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."

I've heard it preached that waiting in this Scripture meant to stay in your place expecting God to do something for you in His own time. Then I heard it preached that waiting meant to serve God like a waiter serves those in a restaurant.

But when I researched the Hebrew word that is used in this Scripture for wait, it is the word, quavah. This word means, "to bind together with." It is used as the word describing how they bind the sheaves together in the field at harvest. When you place that definition into the text, it reads, "They that bind together with the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles."

This Scripture is talking about more than just biding time or serving. It is referring to relationship. It is talking about intimacy with God. It is talking about prayer. As the eagle's nature is characterized by his strength, vision, courage and ability to fly high, the saint's strength, vision, courage and ability to fly high spiritually are a direct result of the time spent waiting upon, or binding together with, the Lord.

God is looking for some eagle saints who are not afraid of spiritual heights. He is looking for some people who will fly into the storms of life so He can use the wind of His Holy Spirit to lift them above the storm. Some of us have been living below our privilege too long.
There is a story about a man that found an eagle egg, brought it to his chicken coop and placed it under one of his chickens to hatch. When it hatched it was not like the other little chicks. Its feathers were grayish brown and not pretty and yellow. When the chicks did their little "Peep peeps," he would let out a strange "Gawk." He was awkward and did not fit in. All the little chicks would peck on him. He just did not fit.

As he got bigger, he seemed to get clumsier. One day he looked up and saw a mighty eagle flying high in the sky and something connected in him with that bird. He began to flap his wings and flew up on the fence post. Then he got to the top of the chicken coop. Then one day he spread those wings and flew off, never to return to the chicken coop.

It is time for many of us to leave the chicken coop. Some of us have been in the barnyard too long. God wants to take us higher. You know you are made out of eagle material, but you have become comfortable with the chickens. Today is your day to mount up.
If you are a baby, it is time to grow up. If you are a soldier, it is time to stand up. If you are a non-tither, it is time to pay up. If you are a preacher, it is time to fire up. If you are a fusser, it is time to make up. If you have a testimony, it is time to speak up. If you are a gossip, it is time to shut up, and if you are an eagle saint, it is time to mount up.

Make it your priority to bind together with God through a dedicated prayer life. This is tantamount in developing a meaningful relationship with Him, and subsequently having a dynamic worship lifestyle.

About the Author:

Dr. Leonard Scott is a dentist, author, recording artist, pastor and founder of Tyscot Recording Co. Visit his website at